Thursday, July 30, 2015

                                                       Blocks and Diamonds Dishcloth

Basic Design View

Multiple of 14 +5 , border 4 each side

US # 5 needles
Worsted Weight Cotton (solid colors or light color variegated)
 2 stitch markers

Cast on 41 stitches

Knit 4 Rows

Row 1- (right side) K4 (place marker),( P5, K4, P1, K4, )x2,P5, (place marker)K4.
 *Marker will not be mentions but it should be moved after beginning K4 and before last K4.

Row 2 - K4, (K5, P3, K3,P3)x2, K5, K4.

Row 3- K4, K7, P5, K9, P5, K7, K4.

Row 4- K4, P6, K7, P7, K7, P6, K4.

Row 5- K4,(K5,P9)x2,K5,K4.

Row 6- K4,P6, K7, P7, K7, P6, K4.

Row 7- K4,K7, P5, K9, P5, K7, K4.

Row 8- K4, (K5, P3, K3, P3)x2, K5, K4.

Repeat these 8 rows at least 6 times to obtain the size dishcloth desired.

Then Knit 4 rows,  BO.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

                                     THRU THE BACK LOOPS DISHCLOTH   

 Multiple of 16 +9

Needle Size US #5  used to knit sample cloth

Skein of worsted weight cotton

Stitches used Knit, Purl,  K1tbl & P1tbl

Co 57 stitches

Knit 4 rows.

Row 1 (right side) : K4 * (K1tbl, P1)4X, K1tbl, P7;  repeat from * across ending with K5.

Rows 2, 4, 6, 8 : K4, P1, * P7, (P1tbl, K1) 4 X , P1tbl; repeat from  * across ending K4. 

Rows 3, 5,  7 : K4  * (K1tbl, P1 ) 4X, K1tbl, P7, repeat from * across, ending with K5.

Rows 9, 11, 13, 15 : K5, *P7, (K1tbl, P1)4X, K1tbl, repeat from * across ending with K4. 

Rows 10, 12, 14, 16 : K4 * (P1tbl, K1) 4X. P1tbl, P7, repeat from * across ending with P1, K4.

Repeat rows 1 through 16 for Pattern desired length.

Knit 4 rows and BO

 Notes:  In my sample knit I knitted rows 1 - 16 three times and repeated rows 1 -8 once more before knitting 4 rows and binding off.

Notes: basic pattern found on page 15 in Knit Stitch Guide by Rita Weiss.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

New Dishcloth Design


Knot a Twisted Tie Dishcloth

Need :  One skein worsted weight cotton yarn,
US # 7 knitting needle


Co 42 stitches
Knit 4 rows
Row One (right side)  -  Knit across.
Row  Two  -  K4,  K2tog across to last 4, K4.
Row Three   -  K4,  Knit into front and back of each stitch until last 4, K4.
Row  Four  -  K4,  Purl until last 4, K4.

Repeat these  4  rows  9 times or the length /size dishcloth you want, Knit 4 rows.



Alligator Scarf

Alligator Scarf
Knitted Alligator Scarf for Grandsons

Barb's List

  • Barb's Bell Dishcloth Design
  • Favorite Movies are Dirty Dancing , What Dreams May Come and An Affair to Remember